How the plugin works with Feedly

Keep in mind, Feedly has some RSS Featured Image guidelines*:

"Your HTML content can include image, audio, video, and other media elements. Images will be cached and resized by the Feedly cloud to deliver the fastest, most efficient experience to the reader. When using images, try to use the largest size possible and make sure that the image element has width and height properties.

Feedly will associate a featured image with each story. This image is used when we show a preview of the story to the reader. Here are the set of rules we use to pick the featured visual:

  • If the content of the story in the feed has an img element with a webfeedsFeaturedVisual classname, that image will be selected as the featured image.
  • If the first img in the story has a height and width greater than 450 pixels, that first image will be selected as the featured image. If not, Feedly will try to pick the largest image in the story.
  • If the feed is partial, the Feedly poller will look up in the web page and see if the webpage includes open graph or Twitter card metadata and use that as the featured visual."

Please note that our plugin does indeed use the  webfeedsFeaturedVisual classname, specifically for Feedly, which is one of the many tweaks we've added to support Feedly and many other RSS-reading services.

* Taken from:

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