RSS images not captured by Zapier Instagram Zap?
Here's what to do if Zapier is responding that there is no featured image in the RSS feed for Instagram Zap.
First, check that images are included in your RSS feed.
Use our RSS Image Checker
If there are NOT images in your feed, use the troubleshooting guidance to resolve the issue.
If there ARE images in your feed, it is likely you are using the standard method provided by the free plugin.
Zapier requires Media or Enclosure tags to detect images, which we offer in the Premium version of our plugin. Try the free 14 day trial to see if that works before upgrading.
Here's documentation from Zapier on Instagram for Business
If you've switched over to tags and confirmed that the images show up using our RSS Image Checker, yet the images still are not being picked up by Zapier - try using a cache buster appended to your RSS URL. The RSS Image Checker can create the cache busting URL for you using the checkbox option.