Exclude a category from the feed

Using categories for things like ads or the featured slider? Exclude them from the newsletter using this Premium feature.

Exclude Categories: Exclude unwanted content from the feed, like Homepage or Featured categories.

From your WordPress dashboard go the the plugin page where you will see fields to exclude categories. When you start typing in the field a list of your existing categories will show and you can select multiple. 

Keep in mind that this feature will not just stop the posts in the category from RSS email, it will exclude them from everything using your feed including readers and Google News. If you want a post to be included, just make sure you put it into a second category that is not excluded. For example, an article can be put into the "Product tips" category and also in the "Homepage slider featured" category which is excluded. 

On the same point as above, if you put a post that is not wanted in the feed or email in both an excluded and a category not excluded, it will still go out. Categorize unwanted content in the excluded category only.

How to exclude your ads or sponsored posts from the RSS feed.

The ad posts should be included in an "Ad" category and then exclude that category from the feed.

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