How to start a free trial

Start a free trial in a few simple steps:

The free trial is available from the standard (free) plugin. Download and activate the standard plugin then follow the steps below.

  1. Click the trial link from the standard plugin settings page. (screenshot 1) 
  2. On the next page click the "start my free trial" button for the plugin download link and activation. (screenshot 2)
  3. Download and install the Premium plugin ZIP. 
  4. For security, you will be sent a confirmation email to activate the trial if this is your first time. (screenshot 3)
  5. Clicking the "activate trial" button will redirect you to the plugin account tab from your WordPress dashboard. (screenshot 4)
  6. Your trial has started! Track days left in the trial period and upgrade from the account tab.
  7. Navigate to the plugin page to start using Premium settings.

What happens when the trial ends? If you decide not to upgrade there's nothing to do. The plugin will automatically switch back to the standard (free) version when it's over. Since no payment information is collected, there's nothing to cancel. 

Screenshot 1: Trial link from standard plugin settings page to get started

Screenshot 2: Start trial button on page 2 for the download link and trial activation 

Screenshot 3: Trial activation email

Screenshot 4: WordPress dashboard > plugin page > account tab

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