Images are not showing in my RSS feed.


  • Your feed might be cached and not updating with recent images included.
  • No featured image is set.
  • You are using a redirect RSS URL (such as FeedBurner) not the source WordPress URL.

Check for images in your feed.

We troubleshoot missing images by starting with the raw/source feed first, which is usually at your blog URL + /feed/, so is the raw feed URL.

Use the RSS Image Checker tool to see if featured images are in your feed.

Often after installing and activating the free or premium plugin, images are not showing in the raw feed for some people still. Yet when we visit their feed for the first time, we often see images just fine.

No featured image set.

You will not see images in the feed if a featured image is not set using the post settings. If you do not have featured images set because you add the image to the top of the body instead, you can use the option to "use first image in body" in the Premium plugin. 

The feed might be cached.

If you've confirmed images are included in your raw/source feed, it's usually a caching issue. We would recommend using shift-reload, clear your browser cache, or try a different browser (we recommend using Chrome).

Sometimes when the feed is cached and browser cache clearing doesn't affect it, it's because of server-side caching (mew-cache, varnish) or content delivery network (CDN) caching (Cloudflare, MaxCDN, etc), then try adding a query to try and bypass any cached URL, like:

If that works, then you know it's a server-side cache issue, and you can look into how to clear your server-side cache (contact your web host support team if need be).

If you're still having issues, please let us know and send us your raw feed URL so we can take a look and see if we don't see images either.

If we don't and the plugin is active, then we'd want a WordPress Admin login created for us to log in and take a deeper look.

Are you using a redirect RSS URL instead of WordPress source URL?

If your RSS email service is using a redirect RSS URL (such as FeedBurner) use the source WordPress RSS URL instead. The redirect URL may not be updated or have the ability to pull in featured images.

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