How to use "custom feed content" for ads and backlinks

Featured Images In RSS Premium provides the option to include additional content with each post. 

Custom Feed Content: Adds plain text or HTML before or after the post such as backlinks or ads.

It is typically used to create backlinks "First posted on" or ads that cross promote products or services "Love our ideas? Shop our products".

How To Use It

Go to our plugin page from your WordPress dashboard, located in the left sidebar. The feature is not set by default.

Use the appropriate field to display your content above or below each post. You can use one or both. 

Just start typing. The text will display plain unless you incorporate HTML to format it or hotlink to a URL destination. HTML is optional, not required. 

Ads must be text only it will not take images. It will take basic formatting. 

The same content entered pre or post feed will repeat on each post.

Read next: Exclude a category from the feed

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