Realtime Settings Check
Realtime Settings Check is a configuration that helps specific caching issues. The setting is unchecked (off) by default because most sites do not need to use it and it adds a delay to the popup window. This setting is available on the standard and Premium plugin.
What problem does it solve?
- My enable settings are not taking effect to start or stop showing Pretty Simple Popup.
- My site cache is blocking Pretty Simple Popup from being enabled or disabled.
- Gets around broad caching issues (page, server, CDN caching) impacting "enable" settings.
Who is it for?
- Sites using any type of cache.
Examples of the issues you could be experiencing:
- I've disabled the popup to all visitors but it continues showing.
- The audience targeting settings did not take effect, even after I've cleared page cache. For example: "Enable" was set to show to all visitors and was changed to "except to logged-in users".
What does it do?
- Enables realtime setting check before displaying the popup.
- Before showing the popup window an AJAX call checks the plugin settings to confirm if it is enabled or disabled (any of the enable settings).
- Can add delay between page load time and popup display.
- Check realtime enable settings before display.
- It adds a server call (the equivalent to another page load) to the page load. This can add time before popup display ranging from half a second to seconds depending on your server performance.
How to use it.
Start using "realtime settings check" by selecting the checkbox and saving your settings. Then clear all types of cache for your site. Once the setting has taken effect the plugin will bypass cache to confirm your "enable" settings every time.